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Illinois State University

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Photo courtesy of Ben Haushalter DOWNS, Ill. – As ISU looks to make a return to normalcy this fall and saw a slight glimpse this past Friday and the first Redbird Day since the pandemic. However, it’s hard not to think about what was lost over the past 13 months for students. While many college […]

NORMAL, Ill.-  Mayor Chris Koos will be trying to hold the mayoral seat against second-time challenger Marc Tiritilli. Koos has served as mayor for 18 years and he said his strong points in this election are his track record and a positive relationship with Illinois State University. “He [Tiritilli] has publicly said a couple of […]

Photo courtesy to ISU  NORMAL, Ill. – Illinois State University students share their concerns regarding returning to campus and the new implication of ProctorTrack. In the beginning of the semester, some students felt strongly that ISU’s response to COVID-19 was not enough. One ISU student and SGA member, Jaman Lewis says that from the beginning […]

NORMAL, Ill.- Gathering outside Hovey Hall this morning, Sept. 9, 2020, were Normal’s most familiar faces.  The 2020 Census was advocated for by State Rep. Dan Brady, Mayor Chris Koos, Illinois State University president Larry Dietz and Governor JB Pritzker. According to Pritzker, just a 1% under-count could result in the state losing over 195 […]

“NORMAL, Ill.- Last night members of the NELK Boys, drew large crowds around ISU’s campus and at the Lodge. The YouTubers drew crowds of individuals without masks but were later dispersed by local law enforcement. This morning Governor JB Pritzker and local leaders, including ISU President Larry Dietz, commented on the crowds. “Mayor Koos and […]

Photo courtesy to ISU  NORMAL, Ill.- Local BLM leader and Public Relations Officer for the Democratic Socialists of America share how community leaders, like Illinois State’s Athletic Director, influence the BLM movement and how exploitation should not be at the focus of Black Redbirds, but rather honoring black experiences. Athletic Director Larry Lyons is quoted […]

Photo courtesy to ISU Facebook page NORMAL, Ill.- Illinois State University is working with the University of Illinois to become a partner in their saliva-based test and Vice President for Student Affairs Levester Johnson said there are no plans at this time to close the residence halls. Students are also subjected to housing contact cancellations. […]

Photo courtesy to Young America Facebook page NORMAL, Ill.- Everyone that lives at Lodge signed a lease to live there before the COVID-19 pandemic began. Residents’ leases began at the beginning of the summer and end next May. Lodge resident and petition organizer Anna Adams pays $765 of rent for her apartment and access to […]

NORMAL, Ill. – Students at Illinois State University are now able to get tested for COVID-19 on campus.  Students that are not experiencing symptoms can get tested on campus Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Testing is offered at the Old Fire House at 602 N. Adelaide St. and on the quad. Students […]

Photo courtesy to The Lodge Facebook page NORMAL, Ill. – After pressure from the mayor of Normal, Young America has changed regulations at the Lodge. Normal Mayor, Chris Koos expressed his concerns with Young America after consistent large gatherings not following social distancing guidelines at the Lodge. Young America states that they are ‘taking seriously […]