103.3 WZND Fuzed Radio

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Brandon Saam

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Photo Courtesy of Bloomington Police Department NORMAL, Ill. – Illinois State University’s Multicultural Center held an event in support of Jelani Day last Friday. Day was reported missing two weeks ago. Friends, family and the ISU community gathered to hear from Day’s mother and his other family members. Vice President of College Democrats at ISU—Avery […]

NORMAL, Ill. – Community reigned true in the Uptown Circle last night. Support crowded the hill in front of the Children’s Discovery Museum to honor the lives that were lost on March 16 in the Atlanta spa shooting. Student organizers shared the realities of their lives. One of the organizers Yvin Shin says the ceremony […]

Photo courtesy to Facebook BLOOMINGTON, Ill.- The Bloomington-Normal Branch of the NAACP began planning for a “Meet The Candidates’ Forum” for District 87 and Unit 5 over one week ago. In the midst of planning the forum, some social media posts surfaced regarding school board candidate, Jon Reed. Reed is now a former candidate. “Jon […]

Photo courtesy to West Bloomington Revitalization Project Facebook page BLOOMINGTON, Ill.- A new mural on Bloomington’s west side isn’t just a reminder of the racial inequality that is rooted in the nation, but also the wall art that expresses the voices of children from the Bloomington-Normal Boys and Girls Club. IWU student Yovana Milosevic provided […]

Photo courtesy the NAACP Facebook page NORMAL, Ill.- Local black community advocacy groups are reacting to a long history of violence. The Bloomington-Normal chapter of NAACP is elated after over 1,000 people gathered on Sunday, May 31. The NAACP Vice-President Carla Campbell-Jackson said, “Our event was extremely successful and was without incident. We are pleased […]

Photo courtesy to the NAACP Facebook page  NORMAL,Ill.-  A NAACP event at Heartland community college took a historical perspective and prioritized Native American tribes who’s land was built on Heartland. The NAACP also localize the discrimination issues and encouraged minority students to speak up about the injustices that face our community. The event focused on […]

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