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McLean County

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Photo courtesy to the CDC NORMAL, Ill.- McLean County Health Department is reporting 71 new cases of COVID-19 today, bringing the total to 1838 cases. Currently, 803 individuals are isolating at home.  Three individuals are hospitalized, with 1 of those currently in the Intensive Care Unit. There are 1016 individuals that have been released from isolation and are considered recovered. There have been 16 COVID-related deaths […]

Photo courtesy to ISU Facebook page NORMAL, Ill.- Illinois State University is working with the University of Illinois to become a partner in their saliva-based test and Vice President for Student Affairs Levester Johnson said there are no plans at this time to close the residence halls. Students are also subjected to housing contact cancellations. […]

Photo courtesy to the CDC NORMAL, Ill.- McLean County Health Department is reporting 146 new cases of COVID-19 today, bringing the total to 1767 cases. Currently, 840 individuals are isolating at home.  Four individuals are hospitalized, with 1 of those currently in the Intensive Care Unit. There are 907 individuals that have been released from isolation and are considered recovered. There […]

Photo Courtesy to the CDC NORMAL, Ill.- McLean County Health Department is reporting 80 new cases of COVID-19 today, Aug. 28, 2020, bringing the total to 1372 cases. Currently, 526 individuals are isolating at home.  Three individuals are currently hospitalized. There are 827 individuals that have been released from isolation and are considered recovered. There have been 16 COVID-related deaths in McLean County. […]

Photo courtesy to the CDC NORMAL, Ill.- McLean County Health Department is reporting 56 new cases of COVID-19 today, bringing our total to 1292 cases. At this time 493 individuals are isolating at home.  Three individuals are currently hospitalized. There are 780 individuals that have been released from isolation and are considered recovered. There have been 16 COVID-related deaths in McLean County. The age breakdowns for the […]

Photo courtesy to Young America Facebook page NORMAL, Ill.- Everyone that lives at Lodge signed a lease to live there before the COVID-19 pandemic began. Residents’ leases began at the beginning of the summer and end next May. Lodge resident and petition organizer Anna Adams pays $765 of rent for her apartment and access to […]

NORMAL, Ill. – Students at Illinois State University are now able to get tested for COVID-19 on campus.  Students that are not experiencing symptoms can get tested on campus Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Testing is offered at the Old Fire House at 602 N. Adelaide St. and on the quad. Students […]

Photo courtesy to the CDC NORMAL, Ill.- McLean County Health Department is reporting 99 new cases of COVID-19 today, bringing the total to 1,143 cases. At this time 403 individuals are isolating at home.  Four individuals are currently hospitalized. There are 720 individuals that have been released from isolation and are considered recovered. There have been 16 COVID-related […]

Photo courtesy to The Lodge Facebook page NORMAL, Ill. – After pressure from the mayor of Normal, Young America has changed regulations at the Lodge. Normal Mayor, Chris Koos expressed his concerns with Young America after consistent large gatherings not following social distancing guidelines at the Lodge. Young America states that they are ‘taking seriously […]

Photo courtesy to the CDC NORMAL, Ill.- McLean County Health Department is reporting 21 new cases of COVID-19 today, Aug. 21, 2020, bringing the total to 893 cases. Currently,  202 individuals are isolating at home.  Three individuals are currently hospitalized with no active cases in Intensive Care. There are 672 individuals that have been released from isolation and are considered recovered. There have been 16 COVID-related deaths […]