103.3 WZND Fuzed Radio

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School is right around the corner for students, staff and faculty meanwhile health guidelines are being altered.   The Illinois Department of Public Health has issued new guidance on entering another school year with the coronavirus. Illinois State University has since then taken the approach to update some of the face covering, vaccination and testing […]

Photo courtesy to Soderstrom Skin Institute  NORMAL, Ill.- Keeping up your immune system up on top on taking care of you skin can be overwhelming. Local physicians and dermatologist offer solutions and tips. Masks are frictional and can definitely cause acne or acne flares. This is a particular type of acne called acne mechanica or […]

Photo courtesy to OSF Healthcare website BLOOMINGTON, Ill.- While all but essential workers are being asked to stay at home to contain the spread of COVID-19. OSF HealthCare is expanding its digital response strategy to offer care to patients without the need to leave home. Pandemic Health Workers will digitally enable clients invited into the […]

Photo courtesy to Workout Company Facebook page  NORMAL Ill.- A local health and fitness club has continued to keep their community close and provide service to it’s members. “We are a family gym and truly miss our members,” said Workout Company owners Carl and Carol Clover. To help members stay focused on their health and […]

NORMAL – Student Health Services and the Mennonite College of Nursing has partnered up for its fourth year to host the flu shot clinic At Illinois State University. The clinic was held for students, faculty, and staff at the Bone Student Center over the span of multiple days. The clinic provided the chance for the […]

NORMAL – Illinois State University hosted their Healthy Campus Kickoff earlier this week on campus. Health Promotion and Wellness used the event to promote ways for students to learn on about their health and wellbeing. The department at Illinois State University partnered with several sponsors and clubs on campus and off-campus for the event. Setup […]

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