103.3 WZND Fuzed Radio

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Drive-Thru Normal

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President Donald Trump

If you missed election night coverage, join Maritza Navar-Lopez, Catrina Petersen, Annamarie Schutt and the WZND news team for Election Results, Live Interviews, Candidate-Coverage on Nov. 3. Hear from student organizations, candidates and election experts. Listen for more election updates for the rest of the week on 103.3 WZND. ELECTION SHOW PART 1 ELECTION SHOW […]

Photo courtesy to ISU  NORMAL, Ill.- The Illinois State University president sent out a mass email to encourage students to vote and addressed violations that may come with breaking the Student Code of Conduct. “While I know that many of you have already voted or will soon be voting, the final ballots aren’t tallied until […]

NORMAL – Normal Public Library hosted First Amendment attorney Donald Craven for a program free speech and free press in the Trump Era. A debate about “fake news,” some differing views on the medias place in society and concerns about journalistic business practices followed Cravens presentation. Craven quoted Thomas Jefferson in saying, “were it left […]

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