Normal Police Department
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Photo courtesy the NAACP Facebook page NORMAL, Ill.- Local black community advocacy groups are reacting to a long history of violence. The Bloomington-Normal chapter of NAACP is elated after over 1,000 people gathered on Sunday, May 31. The NAACP Vice-President Carla Campbell-Jackson said, “Our event was extremely successful and was without incident. We are pleased […]
NORMAL – Two vehicles were involved in a car accident on the intersection of Dale and Kingsley St. South bound on Kingsley, a red truck hit the rear corner panel of a white Tesla while making a lane change. The car rolled onto its side causing the Kingsley and Dale St. intersection to be blocked. […]
NORMAL – A Semi-Truck was involved in a minor accident with a Normal Police squad car Monday afternoon in Normal. A semi turned Northbound onto University Street from College Avenue and clipped the front end of a squad car facing Southbound stopped at a red light. As of 4:30 p.m. on Monday, the truck along […]