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Illinois State Police

Photo courtesy the NAACP Facebook page NORMAL, Ill.- Local black community advocacy groups are reacting to a long history of violence. The Bloomington-Normal chapter of NAACP is elated after over 1,000 people gathered on Sunday, May 31. The NAACP Vice-President Carla Campbell-Jackson said, “Our event was extremely successful and was without incident. We are pleased […]

Photo courtesy to ISP Facebook page ULLIN, Ill. – Illinois State Police officials are currently investigating a homicide in rural Pulaski County. On Thursday, March 26th, 2020 the body of Haley Marie Decker, an 18-year-old female of Normal, IL, was located in rural Pulaski County. It is believed she had moved to southeast Missouri in […]

NORMAL – Illinois had the third-highest number of railroad crossing related deaths in the nation last year. The Illinois State Police (ISP) are taking action this week to inform people about motor and pedestrian safety when crossing train tracks. As part of Rail Safety Week, officers will crack down on rail safety laws to reduce the number of deaths related to the rail […]

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