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Photo courtesy to ISU  NORMAL, Ill.- Local BLM leader and Public Relations Officer for the Democratic Socialists of America share how community leaders, like Illinois State’s Athletic Director, influence the BLM movement and how exploitation should not be at the focus of Black Redbirds, but rather honoring black experiences. Athletic Director Larry Lyons is quoted […]

NORMAL – Illinois State University administration released a campus-wide statement via email regarding discrimination on campus. This statement apologized for missing and inaccurate information in a previous email responding to protests from last week. “I apologize for the inaccuracy in my previous email and for mischaracterizing the students and their efforts,” stated Dietz.”I recognize that […]

NORMAL – Illinois State University’s Black Homecoming Committee released a statement late Friday night. The statement was a direct response to the emailed statement by ISU’s administration and president Larry Dietz regarding discrimination on campus. Last week students protested discrimination of treatment to diverse students and registered student organizations. Protests came after a scheduling issue with the […]

NORMAL – Students at Illinois State University marched across the quad Monday chanting “This fake diversity has got to go.” Protestors gathered in front of Hovey Hall, ISU’s administration building, to protest the treatment of diverse students on campus. Students claimed they have dealt with discrimination for years. Examples ranged from metal detectors being required […]