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Normal Planning Commission presents the New Cannabis Zoning Ordinances

Written by on November 19, 2019

NORMAL – The Normal town council held a meeting to amend the town Zoning Code to regulate adult-use cannabis facilities.

The Planning Commission made their recommendation and presented it to the council.

The Commission originally discussed expanding regulations in order to accommodate to nursing homes. Ultimately the commission decided to decrease those buffers in their proposed ordinance.

The council was critical of the fact that commission did not deal with each facility individually and rather encompassed them.  The Commission mentioned concerns from the public hearing on where facilities will be and how the odor will affect property value.

As of right now, according to the council, there is no estimated number of tax revenue the cannabis facilities will create. This led council member Stan Nord to express his concerns.

“Let’s say with an arbitrary number of $50,000 why would we allow that,” said Nord. ” A lot of the revenue will be going to increased law enforcement, and if we have to hire at least one more police officer, would getting enough revenue off-set the increased costs?”

Council member Kevin McCarthy wanted to make it clear that the council has no say in personal use.

“The state has already decided that come Jan. 1 people will be smoking cannabis and there is nothing we can do as council,” said McCarthy.

The next town council meeting will propose a motion to further the decision of  “opting in or out” of cannabis sales.