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Photo courtesy to IWU Facebook page NORMAL, Ill.- Currently Illinois Wesleyan is monitoring and responding to a COVID-19 outbreak linked directly to off-campus social gatherings where the consistent use of masks and social distancing did not occur, which is a violation of IWU protocols. Contact tracing is being conducted by the McLean County Health Department, […]

Photo courtesy to CDC NORMAL, Ill.- McLean County Health Department is reporting 51 new cases of COVID-19 today, bringing the total to 830 cases. At this time 155 individuals are isolating at home.  Four individuals are currently hospitalized, with one of those in the Intensive Care Unit. There are 655 individuals that have been released from […]

Photo courtesy to Normal PD Facebook NORMAL, Ill.-  A body in the woods in North Normal has been identified as 52-year-old man Alexander Goldman. McLean County Coroner Kathy Yoder identified the body after an autopsy performed on Aug. 18, 2020. However, cause of death and toxicology testing are pending but there is no preliminary evidence […]

Photo courtesy to ISU Facebook page NORMAL, Ill.- The Office of Admissions did not shift admission requirements or expectations of students for the Fall 2020 semester because most of the process was already completed. However, enrollment is lower after a record-breaking year 2019-2020. “The university takes great pride in keeping a beautiful campus, and having […]

Photo courtesy to the CDC NORMAL, Ill.- McLean County Health Department is reporting 3 new cases of COVID-19 today, compared to the 38 new cases Aug. 17, 2020, bringing our total to 779 cases. Currently 137 individuals are isolating at home. Four individuals are currently hospitalized, with one of those in Intensive Care Unit. There are 622 individuals […]

Photo courtesy to ISU Facebook page NORMAL, Ill.- One hopeful Redbird stays positive through the new changes Illinois State University has implemented for the Redbirds Return plan. ISU students living in on-campus residence halls and University-owned apartments will have an extended move-in period August 7-16. For health and safety, students will have assigned move-in dates and times to limit the number of […]

Photo courtesy Illinois State University Facebook page NORMAL, Ill.- In an email the Illinois State University president welcomed back students and reiterated the importance of following COVID-19 safety measures put in place by the University, the Illinois Board of Higher Education, and the Governor. On-campus testing will also become available for students if they show […]

Photo courtesy to Normal Police Department Facebook page NORMAL, Ill.- Today, Aug. 17, 2020, at around 12:30 p.m. officers from Normal Police Department responded to a wooded area in North Normal, near Greenbrair Drive and Hershey Road for a report of a possible body in the area. Upon arrival, officers located the body of an […]

Photo courtesy to the CDC NORMAL, Ill.- McLean County Health Department is reporting 38 new cases of COVID-19 today, bringing the total to 776 cases.  Currently, 136 individuals are isolating at home. While six individuals are currently hospitalized, while one of those is in the Intensive Care Unit. There are 618 individuals that have been released from isolation and are considered recovered.  […]

Photo courtesy to Office of Admissions Facebook page NORMAL, Ill.- Illinois State University remains one of two state schools that are holding in-person tours. The Office of Admissions has two virtual options along with two in-person tours. Students can choose an info-session, where a presentation that is held by two admissions counselors. Afterward students and […]