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Case-by-Case Update

Page: 2

Photo Courtesy to the CDC NORMAL, Ill.- McLean County Health Department is reporting 80 new cases of COVID-19 today, Aug. 28, 2020, bringing the total to 1372 cases. Currently, 526 individuals are isolating at home.  Three individuals are currently hospitalized. There are 827 individuals that have been released from isolation and are considered recovered. There have been 16 COVID-related deaths in McLean County. […]

Photo courtesy to the CDC NORMAL, Ill.- McLean County Health Department is reporting 56 new cases of COVID-19 today, bringing our total to 1292 cases. At this time 493 individuals are isolating at home.  Three individuals are currently hospitalized. There are 780 individuals that have been released from isolation and are considered recovered. There have been 16 COVID-related deaths in McLean County. The age breakdowns for the […]

Photo courtesy to the CDC NORMAL, Ill.-McLean County Health Department is reporting 50 new cases of COVID-19 today, Aug. 26, 2020, bringing the total to 1236 cases. Currently 450 individuals are isolating at home.  Four individuals are currently hospitalized. There are 766 individuals that have been released from isolation and are considered recovered. There have been 16 COVID-related deaths in McLean County. The […]

Photo courtesy to the CDC NORMAL, Ill.- McLean County Health Department is reporting 3 new cases of COVID-19 today, compared to the 38 new cases Aug. 17, 2020, bringing our total to 779 cases. Currently 137 individuals are isolating at home. Four individuals are currently hospitalized, with one of those in Intensive Care Unit. There are 622 individuals […]