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Safe2Help Celebrates First Year Anniversary

Written by on October 27, 2022

NORMAL, Ill.- Safe Line for Students in Illinois is celebrating its 1 year anniversary.

According to Illinois Emergency Management Agency Director Alicia Tate-Nadeau, the program was created to, “help school-age children who experience bullying, mental health struggles, or those who see signs of potential drug use or violence in someone else.” 

IEMA’s School Safety Advisor Samantha Kanish stated, “in its first year the safe to helpline has received nearly 900 messages from students… We have seen other reports come through the helpline such as fighting, sexual assault and even planned school attacks”.

This month is mental health awareness month and the program is available to all students in public, private and charter schools.

There are several ways to connect with Safe 2 Help, those being by phone, text, and email and even online.