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Normal Town Council approves preparation for new property tax levy

Written by on November 19, 2024



Images from Monday night’s council meeting

The Normal Town Council approved a motion to authorize the preparation of the 2024 property tax levy and an ordinance amending the current purchasing policy.

The Normal City Manager Pamela Reece said this new tax levy would increase annual property taxes by 4.91% which would support general fund operations, public safety pension obligations, the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, social security requirements and the Normal Public Library property tax levy.

The increase would total $701,000 in additional property taxes to be collected, and a 3.81% tax increase yearly.

Council member Scott Preston voted “no” on this motion and voiced his concerns regarding the new property tax levy.

“The only concern that I have with this levy is the $500,000 into the general fund… We’ve been coming off of a multi-million-dollar budget surplus, and at a time when prices continue to rise across the board… we are close enough with that 500 that it would almost offset the budget increase of 700,” Preston said.

Council member Kathleen Lorenz also voted “no” and echoed Preston’s concerns.

“I do believe we can keep the levy flat or near flat and still accomplish the important goals… and I think we need to give our taxpayers a break wherever we can find it,” Lorenz said.

Council member Kevin McCarthy, one of the four who voted “yes,” expressed his support for the ordinance to keep up with expenses.

“An increase is an increase, but at that small level to close a gap and not have to cut services someplace… I’m in favor of this,” McCarthy said.

The motion was passed 4-2.

During public comment, the President of the McLean and Livingston County Building and Construction Trades Council Mike Raikes urged council members to vote in favor of the ordinance amending the purchasing policy to include project labor agreements, also known as PLAs.

“Project labor agreements are pre-hire agreements that establish terms and conditions of employment for all crafts on infrastructure projects,” Raikes said. “The mutual agreements are between a construction owner such as a contractor, developer or a public body and a coalition of labor unions supplying skilled workers for the duration of the project.”

Raikes further promoted this concept by listing the many benefits of project labor agreements.

“The main purpose of a PLA is to promote predictability, stability and productivity on construction projects,” Raikes said. “PLAs ensure that taxpayer-funded projects utilize apprentices and expand work opportunities for people from historically disadvantaged backgrounds.”

The ordinance amending the purchasing policy was approved unanimously.

The Normal Town Council holds biweekly meetings on Mondays at 7 p.m. on the fourth floor of City Hall. The next meeting will take place on Dec 2.