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McLean County continues to battle nationwide housing issues

Written by on April 1, 2024

Image Courtesy of Mid-Central Community Action

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – As limited access to affordable housing continues to take over the nation, McLean County is no exception.

To combat this issue, the area has formed the McLean County Housing Coalition, a group dedicated to battle housing challenges within the community.

The Coalition recently established a new position at Mid-Central Community Action. Housing Stability Navigator Janet Hood shared how she found herself in a new role.

“I believe, although it [the housing issue] isn’t going to be quick, it is a fixable issue,” she said. “This sounded like something I could do to serve and help others. It’s where I need to be right now, so it was really just a heart calling.”

She went on to detail the work she does within her position.

“I provide guidance to those who are struggling to obtain permanent, stable housing,” Hood explained. “As the Housing Stability Navigator, I see decreases in our community of stable housing and the health and well-being of those struggling to obtain and maintain stable housing.”

Hood also shared how the community benefits from her newly established role as she encounters the populations of the workforce.

“A lot of the people I deal work in the healthcare industry, retail, and social services,” she explained. “My role is to aid individuals in becoming economically stable and connect them with available resources.”

She provided more on the mission of Mid Central Community Action’s intake session days as well.

She said, “We set goals. It’s not just about handing money out. It’s more about making sure people have sustainability in their lives.”