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Economic Seminar Held About Corruption by Public Officials

Written by on March 22, 2019

NORMAL – This Thursday, a seminar was held in Stevenson Hall to address corruption, theft and bribery that is exhibited by public officials.

The seminar was held by Associate Professor of Economics and the Director of the Institute for Corruption Studies Oguzhan Dincer. Throughout the hour long seminar, plenty information and individual research was shared about the importance of public, institutional and developmental economics with a focus on corruption.

“The idea is to disseminate [corruption] research, and maybe create more collaboration. The idea is if someone is interested in the research they can get in touch, and then more people start working on this.” says Dincer.

In the future, Professor Dincer’s goal for the Institute of Corruption Studies to further his research and to keep spreading awareness of political corruption from the local to national level. Dincer believes the best way to destroy the corruption is by voting during elections.

“The easiest way to punish a politician is to vote him out. If we don’t go to vote and they stay in power, they are going to steal as much as they want.” 

Professor Dincer will be hosting a corruption workshop on May 17th and 18th in Chicago. 

Marcel Francis contributed to this story.

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