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COVID-19 Case-by-Case Update

Written by on August 19, 2020

Photo courtesy to CDC

NORMAL, Ill.- McLean County Health Department is reporting 51 new cases of COVID-19 today, bringing the total to 830 cases.

At this time 155 individuals are isolating at home.  Four individuals are currently hospitalized, with one of those in the Intensive Care Unit. There are 655 individuals that have been released from isolation and are considered recovered.

There have been 16 COVID-related deaths in McLean County.

The age breakdowns for the new cases:

1-9 years of age: 1 case

10s of age: 26 cases

20s of age: 13 cases

30s of age: 4 cases

40s of age: 1 case

 50s of age: 5 cases

 70s of age: 1 case

Over 37,000 tests have been resulted for a cumulative positivity rate of 2.2%.

“As a community it is important for us to come together and prioritize public health prevention practices that lower our risk of becoming infected or infecting others,” said Health Department Administrator Jessica McKnight. “To lower your risk of infection, avoid closed spaces with poor ventilation, crowded spaces with many people nearby, and close-contact settings.”

The McLean County Health Department discourages holding or attending large in-person gatherings.  Large, in-person gatherings where it is difficult for individuals to maintain social distance pose the highest risk. The more people that someone interacts with, and the longer that interaction lasts, the higher the potential risk of becoming infected with COVID-19 and COVID-19 spreading.

“If you test positive for COVID-19, please stay home and isolate yourself away from others. Your local health department will follow up with you to discuss more about how long you will need to isolate.  In the home, anyone sick or infected should separate themselves from others by staying in a specific “sick room” or area and using a separate bathroom,” said McKnight.

If you have been within six feet of a confirmed COVID-19 case for at least 15 minutes, please self-quarantine at home away from others for 14 days after the last contact with the case and monitor for symptoms of COVID-19.

Even if you receive a negative test result while you are quarantining as a close contact to a confirmed case, you still need to complete the entire 14-day quarantine. You cannot test out of quarantine.  It can take between 2 and 14 days after exposure to develop symptoms. If you are being tested for COVID-19 because you have symptoms or believe you may have COVID-19, please self-quarantine at home away from others until test results are available.