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COVID-19 Case-by-Case Update: 19 Deaths

Written by on September 17, 2020

Photo courtesy to CDC

NORMAL, Ill.- McLean County Health Department is reporting 22 new cases of COVID-19 today, bringing the total to 3,025 cases.

Currently, 1,260 individuals are isolating at home.  Six individuals are hospitalized, with one in the Intensive Care Unit.  There are 1,740 individuals that have been released from isolation and are considered recovered.

The McLean County Health Department has been notified of the 19 COVID-related death in McLean County, a woman in her 80s with underlying health conditions.

More than 63,500 tests have been resulted overall, and the cumulative positivity rate is 4.8%. The rolling 7-day positivity rate is 5.7% through Sept. 17, 2020.


The McLean County Health Department and Chestnut Health Systems mobile COVID testing will be setting up in Heyworth from 9 a.m. until noon today.  Drive-through and walk-up testing will be available in the parking lot of the Randolph Township Fire District at 103 S. Buchanan in Heyworth unless there is inclement weather.

The testing site uses the self-administered nasal swab tests, with each person self-swabbing as instructed and monitored by an on-site staff member.  Staff cannot assist with the self-swabbing process.

“Testing helps to identify and isolate those infected with COVID-19 and allows public health partners to be able to quickly notify and quarantine close contacts and prevent further spread of the virus,” said Health Administrator Jessica McKnight. “Testing is just one piece of the toolkit to address COVID.  Testing and contact tracing efforts are most effective when combined with community-wide efforts to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 such as washing our hands, watching our distance, and wearing face coverings.  We can all do our part to protect our community.”