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COVID-19 Case-by-Case Update

Written by on September 11, 2020

Photo courtesy to the CDC

NORMAL, Ill.- McLean County Health Department is reporting 105 new cases of COVID-19 today, bringing the total to 2802 cases.

Currently, 1373 individuals are isolating at home.  Nine individuals are currently hospitalized, two of which are currently in the Intensive Care Unit. There are 1402 individuals that have been released from isolation and are considered recovered.

There have been 18 COVID-related deaths in McLean County

Over 58,500 tests have been resulted for a cumulative positivity rate of 4.8%. The rolling 7-day positivity rate is 9.4% through Sept. 10, 2020.

Based on the number of new cases reported per 100,000 population and a positivity rate above 8% during the week of Aug. 30 through Sept. 5.

McLean County will remain on the Illinois Department of Public Health’s county-level warning list this week. The metrics are updated weekly on Friday afternoons and are based on data from Sunday to Saturday of the previous week.

“Individuals, families, and community groups can use these critical data to help inform their choices about personal and family gatherings, as well as what activities they choose to do,” said Health Department Administrator Jessica McKnight.

For example, if the local area is currently in the warning level, some questions you should consider include: Should I still attend or host a large gathering? Are there additional precautions I should take given my personal/family health risks?  Should I wait to dine out or go to a movie?

“It is important that we all take simple precautions to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 such as washing our hands, watching our distance, and wearing our face coverings,” said McKnight.

 An individual can spread the virus up to 48 hours before they develop symptoms.  Those with mild symptoms or no symptoms (asymptomatic) can also spread the virus to others.

“To help our county move forward it is going to take a community effort to prevent the further spread of infection.  This includes all of us working together and doing what we can to protect our friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers,” said McKnight.