“Next To Normal Story Slam” Encourages Community Engagement
Written by Courtney Conroy on February 18, 2025
Image Courtesy of Next To Normal Story Slam
BLOOMINGTON, Ill. — “Next To Normal Story Slam” is a local event where the storytellers of the community can come together and share with the crowd. Next to Normal Co-host and Coordinator Devon Lovell, created the event in 2018 as a platform for the community to share stories.
“The idea behind it is to build community and find common ground,” Lovell said.
Lovell, who spent much of her commute from Chicago to Bloomington listening to public media, drew inspiration from The Moth and Snap Judgment.
“They’re all story vehicles,” Lovell said. “I thought, I wonder if we could do this locally — so I basically looked for a place that might host. Originally, we were in a Night Shop.”
Since its launch, the event has grown significantly. Lovell aims to “bring people together through stories, providing a window into the richness and complexity of others’ lives.”
“It’s got that coffeehouse vibe,” Lovell said.
Lovell emphasized that the event is free and open to all ages. She even shared that an 11-year-old boy once stood on stage and performed an impromptu story.
Storytellers don’t need any prior experience. Lovell asks that stories be between five and 10 minutes long.
Each month, the event features a different theme. This month’s theme is “Music.” The next show is Feb. 28 at the McLean County Arts Center.